

5 months

Today is sunday. And today is kinda a special day - IM HERE SINCE 5 MONTHS! Crazy how time flies! In 10 days is christmas and in 17 days we habe already 2014 :O!
                          :D :D
So what happend this week? Not that much. As I told you I had to stay home on monday, because A. and J. were sick. Poor guys they really didnt look that well :/. On tuesday I had to stay home, too, because my kids were off from school because off the snow, which was supposed to come during the day. DURING THE DAY! And the schools called my mum around 5AM. There was no snow until 10. In germany we totally had to go to school but ok :D 
After a few hours of snowing I went outside with my kids :)

Oh and before we went outside we made a gingerbreadhouse :) with german instructions :o :D it was so funny to read my language in america :D!!

On wednesday there was school, so i had time to go to college. My HM took my car (it was so slippery for her car), so I had no car, yeah. Luckily my HD said I can drive his VW to college :) so nice.
Thursday and Friday were kinda boring, nothing special happend :P.
Yesterday I had to stay home the whole day. Again. We had a snowstorm. Yeah. I was soo damn bored because we dont have any neighbours close to us so we really had to stay home :// 
So i spent my time with drinking tea and watching gossip girl :D what a lovely day :D!
Plans for today? I dont know yet. My HM is till foodshopping so i dont have a car but maybe im going to drive to the mall later, just to do something :D

Talk to you soon.
xoxo C.

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