

Day 120 & SNOW !

Hey there :)
Its tuesday (feels like monday haha) and when I came upstairs all my kids were running around. Why? Because it snowed! Yes. Snow. On november 12th. 
Look how beautiful our garden looked like :)!
But the snow is already gone - it wasnt cold enough :(
So my weekend. My weekend was good. Went together with my HD, J. and T. to H. last hockeygame (they lost :D) anf after this we went to a birthday party, which was really fun :)
And oh my good you americans have the best cakes EVER! Chocolatecake icecreamcake, cheesecake, ... So good and unhealthy haha :D but sometimes you can eat it, sometimes :D so the birthday was good and on sunday i could finally sleep in (YES!!) and guess what, I woke up at 7:30, yeah -.-
But I fell assleep again soon so i could sleep until 10 :)!
And then I really did nothing special. Just skyping, doing my laundry etc. Around dinner time I decided to go to the movies together with Daniel. We saw Thor2, which was a really good movie :)!
On monday I had a full workingday again but it was fine ;) my girls came back from Disney and the bought me some stuff!!<3
Isnt that a beautiful bracelet :)?
And of course GERMAN CHOCOLATE :> :D
Between 12 and 2pm I drove to my college class because we had a test - really easy, multiple choice and we talked about the question 5min before we actually wrote the test :D so pretty easy :D

Anything else? Nope I guess thats it for the moment :) I cant wait for the weekend. Its going to be awesome :) - Manhattan is calling again (together with Minna :b)

So, time to get my kiddies.

xoxo C.

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