


Hello :)
Today is a rainy day so I thought I can write a new Blogpost :)
Nothing really happend since sunday - I had College (I'm going to write my first test on monday :o!!), which was really really boring :D
But at least the atmosphere outside was very comfy 8)!
I got already an e-mail that I have to sign up for another class soon (it starts at the end of january) so I had to think about my next college class. Not easy because my college offers sooo many classes :D but I think I'm going to take Journalism :) I like it and maybe I'm going to study Journalism when I'm back home, so its a good opportunity to look if this is something for me :)!
The fall finally arrived completey (rain rain and rain -.-) and its soo cold! Soon I have to get my winterjacket out :D. Im already taken J. and A. with the car to their busstop :D :D I know, we are laaazy :D

My girls are in Disney this week (I'm SO jealous :(( !) So I just have to watch J., which is mostly very easy :) today it rained the whole day and we played with Lego, did some arts and crafts and again played with lego - we actually wanted to go to the movies but the movie was sold out for the next two shows :D so we just had some lunch in the mall and drove back home after this :)
Haha look how creative I am :D :D

Any plans for this week? I dont know yet. I have to work tomorrow and saturday (yeah). For saturdaynight my Hostdad invited me to a birthdayparty and I guess I will join him (I mean I would be too tired to do anything else on saturday I guess :D). And on sunday I can finally sleep in again :) after this I will skype with my friends and study for my test (sounds so funny -.- :D)

Oh and btw I'm so happy my friend Minna is staying in the U.S - we will have a sleepover next weekend and I'm so excited. I will spent a lot of money again but its fine sometimes you have to spent money together with friends :D we're planning to go to nyc (after a yummie breakfast at iHop) and maybe go on top of the rock (hopefully it will be a good and sunny day so its worth it :D :b) 
And another good part of her stay here is that we can travel together on our travelmonth and hoppefully we can do the Bahamascruise together, too :>

And its crazy, all the stores have their christmas decoration already outside :0
So I have to think about christmas presents soon :D 
What do I want for christmas?
I want some beats headphones 8)
And I'm also so into the new Iphone 5s but I dont know, its still expensive (cheaper than in germany though :D).. Maybe at the end of my year if I have some money left (:D) I'm going to buy it :>

Winter is coming and I cant wait to meet a part of my family around new years eve :)!

J. is waiting, time to say goodbye :b

xoxo C.

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