

Merry Christmas

Hello :)

So, first of all: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU :)!
I hope you had great christmasdays and enjoyed it with your family.
I really did!

Nothing special happened the last week, except that I got little packages or cards from my friends and family for christmas :) i really have the best family and the best friends ever!

Thats what arrived last week :)
So for christmaseve (december 24th) we went to my hostdad's brother R. to celebrate. It was really nice and i really like his family. They made the traditional 7 fish (too bad i dont like fish :( ) but it was still good and they had so damn good potatoes <3! After hours of eating the kids were allowed to open one present - the parents give some money to buy every kid (8 :D) a little present. Really cool, so everybody got a present and was happy. 
I also got presents :O
L. Gave me a bag with german chocolate, a cup and a hot chocolate mix for grown ups^^ soo nice!
And E. gave me two gift cards for the movie theatre food inclusive. "You got two because you are special!", he said. OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS FAMILY!
We had to leave earlier because it started to snow - its freezing cold! But the snow didnt stick so we had no white christmas today :(
So, today was christmas, finally haha :D
The kids woke up at 6:30 and i joined them at 6:45 as they looked what was in their stockings.
After this we moved over to the tree and the kids unpacked all their presents. 
I got again some presents :O
My HF gave me three gift cards (starbucks, panera bread and sephora) some money and a package from bath&bodyshop :) soo nice!!! 
And A. bought me soo much stuff, too. Im so happy i found this family, i couldn be happier :)!!!
My kids opened their presents on december 24th, they drove me crazy so i said ok you can open them today :D
Today comes the family of my hostmum :) she is cooking since 7AM :O

So, time to go.
See you later
xoxo C.


I miss my family and I was so jealous when i saw their tree and decorations :(

And i found a house with a few christmaslights: 


5 months

Today is sunday. And today is kinda a special day - IM HERE SINCE 5 MONTHS! Crazy how time flies! In 10 days is christmas and in 17 days we habe already 2014 :O!
                          :D :D
So what happend this week? Not that much. As I told you I had to stay home on monday, because A. and J. were sick. Poor guys they really didnt look that well :/. On tuesday I had to stay home, too, because my kids were off from school because off the snow, which was supposed to come during the day. DURING THE DAY! And the schools called my mum around 5AM. There was no snow until 10. In germany we totally had to go to school but ok :D 
After a few hours of snowing I went outside with my kids :)

Oh and before we went outside we made a gingerbreadhouse :) with german instructions :o :D it was so funny to read my language in america :D!!

On wednesday there was school, so i had time to go to college. My HM took my car (it was so slippery for her car), so I had no car, yeah. Luckily my HD said I can drive his VW to college :) so nice.
Thursday and Friday were kinda boring, nothing special happend :P.
Yesterday I had to stay home the whole day. Again. We had a snowstorm. Yeah. I was soo damn bored because we dont have any neighbours close to us so we really had to stay home :// 
So i spent my time with drinking tea and watching gossip girl :D what a lovely day :D!
Plans for today? I dont know yet. My HM is till foodshopping so i dont have a car but maybe im going to drive to the mall later, just to do something :D

Talk to you soon.
xoxo C.



Ho ho ho 
So what happend this week?
Not that much. My week was quiet and pretty good. I bought alle the christmas gifts for my Kids :)
I got another package from my friend Louisa, i was really really surprised!
Got more chocolate :D!
The whole weekend was rainy and uncomfortable :/
So i made myself comfortable with Gossip Girl, candles and some tea 8)!
We also put some lights on our house, it looks really pretty.
On sunday I went to manhattan again :) First i met a friend to give him some
Kf my presents and he gave me some presents, too!
Then i met Julia, finally!
We made it to columbus circle. There was a christmas market WITH GERMAN GLÜHWEIN <3! We were so happy!

So happy with our Glühwein :)!
And thats the christmas market :>!
We also went to the Rockefellercenter, to see the tree. Unfortunately it started to snow and it was freezing cold! 
The tree was still really beautiful even thought it was soo crowded!
I had to run to catch my train and I guess that running made me sick - my nose is running, yeah!
And all of my other kids are sick too. Homestayday today, yeah!
Talk to you soon.

xoxo C.


Hello December :>


Christmas is coming! Yeah! I cant believe its already DECEMBER!! Crazy.
Last week J. and A. had two short days so they came home around 1. But it wasnt really a problem. And on thursday there was Thanksgiving. Thats a day where the family come together and is greatfull for the food and the family. I went together with D., J., T. and H.  to his sister, where the whole family got together :) it was really nice and we had a loot of food! One specality is the turkey. we had two and it was very very delicious. Another specality are the mash potatoes and the stuffing. The food was all selfmade and so good. For dessert we had banana bread, pumpkincookies, cornd bread, etc, haha again all good stuff :>
And I'm sorry i dont have any pictures. I felt uncomfortable to take pictures of the food in another home :/ but maybe you can imagine what we had :D
The next day was Black Friday, all the stores had many many sales and all the people freaked out :D i had to work in the morning but in the afternoon i went to the mall to conquer the crowd :D i wasnt that successfull, but i wasnt really in the shopping mood, so :P
My weekend was quiet. I relaxed :D
Oh and by the way, I really miss my crazy family :( !!
Yesterday we brought the tree upstairs and decorated it :)! Really nice and everybody helped.
All different stuff :D
But I really like our tree :)!
And today i got a package from my mum with all different stuff, i was so happy!
My 'pre-christmaspresents' :) 
... And the chocolate isnt the best idea haha :D
On sunday Im going back to the city to meet julia and enjoy the christmas decorations in Manhattan, finally :)!

Thats all for today, good night :P
xoxo C.



Hello :)
Its sunday again and another week is over :)
It was a quiet week and not too bad :>
I worked, went to the gym and had college - usual business :D
My HD bought a new car for himself - a corvette :D 
To bad i cant drive it :(

Friday i finally passed my driver license test :D so i have now an ID 8) very cool!

I worked on friday night so I babysitted J. and A. We went to Subway for dinner - not the best choice, but it was very yummi :)
We also put some face masks on when we went back home. So funny, we laughed a lot and had so much fun :D
On saturday morning I had to work, too. But just for 2 hours :) it was easy, J. and me built some legos :)
Ellie picked me up around 4 and we drove to the mall, where I bought some christmas presents - YES i already bought christmas presents :D
And after this we saw CATCHING FIRE. 
Oh my god. This movie was so damn good! I cant wait for the next movie next year :) I wanna see it again, haha :D
Today I went to the beach, saw the sunset, really pretty :)
Next week is thanksgiving, Im so excited :)

Talk to you soon.
xoxo C.


My mum is the best

Thanks to my mom, who is sending me carepackages with my favorite chocolate!
You're the best!

xoxo C.


Love is in the air

Hello hello :>
Time for an updaaaate :b
Its sunday night and I had such a good weekend :)
Its started in friday, where I could sleep in - and I slept in, until 11:30 :D :D I guess I needed some sleep, haha :D
I had some germab chocolate that day :)
   - I really miss my german chocolate :( - 
And I finally skyped with Henni :) <3!

On saturday I had to work for around 2,5 hours - wasnt bad at all, everybody behaved :)
I left the house around 11, because I had my November-AuPair-Meeting in Princeton. Yes. My first footballgame was waiting :) 
But it took me around 1.5h to get there - really bad traffic, it was so annoying -.-
I was so excited for the game :> 
It was actually very funny and they won 53-28. 
                      - Team Yale - 
As you can see, we sat on the Yale side :D but it was verg good and we can look at the goodlooking guys, haha :P
I left the game earlier because my friend Minna came over for a sleepover :)
I picked her up at the train station and we drove to the mall :b
And I did it - I bought myself some UGG boots :D
Chocolate brown and I'm already in love :> they are sooo comfy!!
I also left some dollars at 'Bath and Body shop', because I need some new shower gel :b
Today I went together with Minna to Manhattan (again :D). We actually planned to go on Top of the rock but it was SO foggy and rainy so we decided not to go on there (I mean its 30$ so we should have at least a good view for that price !). 
Manhattan was busy as usual :>
We had our brunch around 2 in iHop, which was soooo yummie!
That was my meal - 11$ for everything and I was so stuffed :D!!
After this we went to the LOVE-sign :)
All in all it was a very good weekend with Minna and I wish her so much luck in her new family in North Carolina :)!
Plans for next week? Save some money and think about christmas presents :D

Good night.
xoxo C.


Day 120 & SNOW !

Hey there :)
Its tuesday (feels like monday haha) and when I came upstairs all my kids were running around. Why? Because it snowed! Yes. Snow. On november 12th. 
Look how beautiful our garden looked like :)!
But the snow is already gone - it wasnt cold enough :(
So my weekend. My weekend was good. Went together with my HD, J. and T. to H. last hockeygame (they lost :D) anf after this we went to a birthday party, which was really fun :)
And oh my good you americans have the best cakes EVER! Chocolatecake icecreamcake, cheesecake, ... So good and unhealthy haha :D but sometimes you can eat it, sometimes :D so the birthday was good and on sunday i could finally sleep in (YES!!) and guess what, I woke up at 7:30, yeah -.-
But I fell assleep again soon so i could sleep until 10 :)!
And then I really did nothing special. Just skyping, doing my laundry etc. Around dinner time I decided to go to the movies together with Daniel. We saw Thor2, which was a really good movie :)!
On monday I had a full workingday again but it was fine ;) my girls came back from Disney and the bought me some stuff!!<3
Isnt that a beautiful bracelet :)?
And of course GERMAN CHOCOLATE :> :D
Between 12 and 2pm I drove to my college class because we had a test - really easy, multiple choice and we talked about the question 5min before we actually wrote the test :D so pretty easy :D

Anything else? Nope I guess thats it for the moment :) I cant wait for the weekend. Its going to be awesome :) - Manhattan is calling again (together with Minna :b)

So, time to get my kiddies.

xoxo C.


Review: 4 months

Hello :)
I can't believe how fast time flies! Next friday I'm already here for 4 months :o
So crazy. Now we have november and I arrived in July!
But I still haven't got any regrets! I still love my hostfamily and it was still the best time of my life and the best decision I've ever made :)!
The last few months I found a lot of new friends, saw a lot of things and I think I found my way into the american civilization, haha :D
I mean I'm not using the front door to get into the house anymore. Now, I'm making my way through the garage! I'm using my car to drive everywhere, crazy. But I miss my bike :(
I'm answering the phone with a 'hello' and not with my full name. I love to go shopping in the mall. Manhattan is now the next big city close to me, so normal for me, etc..
Wintertime is coming and I can't wait, even if it's going to be veeeeery veeery cold, haha. But that's fine, I have a cosy coat and in germany we have cold winter, too!
My english? I dont know, I think my speaking is more fluently now but I could be wrong :D
the 'problem' is that it seems like the americans love germans. Nearly every aupair around me is german. So of course we're talking in german and not in english..But I have a couple of friends, where I have to speak english, so thats good, haha :D

I dont know what else to say. You can read my older posts, to see what happend the last months :)

xoxo C.



Hello :)
Today is a rainy day so I thought I can write a new Blogpost :)
Nothing really happend since sunday - I had College (I'm going to write my first test on monday :o!!), which was really really boring :D
But at least the atmosphere outside was very comfy 8)!
I got already an e-mail that I have to sign up for another class soon (it starts at the end of january) so I had to think about my next college class. Not easy because my college offers sooo many classes :D but I think I'm going to take Journalism :) I like it and maybe I'm going to study Journalism when I'm back home, so its a good opportunity to look if this is something for me :)!
The fall finally arrived completey (rain rain and rain -.-) and its soo cold! Soon I have to get my winterjacket out :D. Im already taken J. and A. with the car to their busstop :D :D I know, we are laaazy :D

My girls are in Disney this week (I'm SO jealous :(( !) So I just have to watch J., which is mostly very easy :) today it rained the whole day and we played with Lego, did some arts and crafts and again played with lego - we actually wanted to go to the movies but the movie was sold out for the next two shows :D so we just had some lunch in the mall and drove back home after this :)
Haha look how creative I am :D :D

Any plans for this week? I dont know yet. I have to work tomorrow and saturday (yeah). For saturdaynight my Hostdad invited me to a birthdayparty and I guess I will join him (I mean I would be too tired to do anything else on saturday I guess :D). And on sunday I can finally sleep in again :) after this I will skype with my friends and study for my test (sounds so funny -.- :D)

Oh and btw I'm so happy my friend Minna is staying in the U.S - we will have a sleepover next weekend and I'm so excited. I will spent a lot of money again but its fine sometimes you have to spent money together with friends :D we're planning to go to nyc (after a yummie breakfast at iHop) and maybe go on top of the rock (hopefully it will be a good and sunny day so its worth it :D :b) 
And another good part of her stay here is that we can travel together on our travelmonth and hoppefully we can do the Bahamascruise together, too :>

And its crazy, all the stores have their christmas decoration already outside :0
So I have to think about christmas presents soon :D 
What do I want for christmas?
I want some beats headphones 8)
And I'm also so into the new Iphone 5s but I dont know, its still expensive (cheaper than in germany though :D).. Maybe at the end of my year if I have some money left (:D) I'm going to buy it :>

Winter is coming and I cant wait to meet a part of my family around new years eve :)!

J. is waiting, time to say goodbye :b

xoxo C.