

Happy Halloween

Hello :)
So today is HALLOWEEN! And I was soo excited, because its such a big thing here in America. So in the morning A. and J. wore their costums (Swat man and Graffitygirl) and I brought them to the bus. After this I drove together with Evelina to the mall to look for a costumes (I know, really on time :D). I actually found something :)
Later on I drove together with my hostdad to the school to see the kids - parade (all kids walked around the school, very cool!) 
We took J. with us and got home. 
At home I 'changed' into my costume and we waited for H. and T.
Thats my Halloweencostume - Batmans wife haha :D
Anyway, my hostdad took us to antoher neighbourhood to go trick or treating - very cook :b

And of course our dog Sasha got a costume too! She was a SWAT dog :D

Yap. Thats it. That was Halloween. And tomorrow is November. Its crazy. I cant believe it! 
Im already thinking about christimas presents :0 :D
Well, Im tired!
Talk to you soon

xoxo C.


Street lights

Hello :)
So, it's weekend (and i can sleep in - YES!) and today I was in Manhattan with Minna :). It was such a good day! 
- of course, my train was late, as usual. But after my arrival we went to the American Museum of Natural History, which was very interesting and huge :0! 
Found my new family :D
After the museum we went back to timessquare to eat at the Hard Rock Café - which was very good :)
I had a cesar salad and Minna a Burger. It was very crowded thats why we had to wait for 15min but it was ok - we had the chance to check the menu while we waited haha :D
We went then back to timessquare to walk around. It feelt like it was during the day, because of all the bright lights, haha :D
I love times square :)!

It was such a nice day with Minna :)!
Tomorrow is sunday and I can sleep in again, ooh life is good :)!
Any plans for next week? I dont know yet haha :D
Well thats all for the week.

Talk to you soon,

xoxo C.



Heute mal ein deutscher post, ich bin zu müde, um mich noch auf die englische Grammatik zu konzentrieren :D
Jedenfalls war mein Wochenende sehr entspannt - ich musste zwar Samstagmorgen und abend arbeiten, aber das war entspannt. Morgens hatten alle drei einen Zahnarzttermin, was dann mit dem ganzen Fahren auch so 2h in Anspruch genommen hat. Ich habe dann noch meine Mädels abgesetzt und dann sind J. und ich nach hause gefahren, wo wir dann auf meinen hostdad gewartet haben, um einen einen Pumpkin auszuhöhlen (schreibt man das so?:D)
So sieht der Kürbis jetzt aus, er hat einen leicht asiatischen Touch :D!
Abends hat mich dann mein Hostdad zusammen mit J. und T. zum Essen eingeladen, weil meine hostmum mit den Mädels in der Mall shoppen war. Danach hab ich auf J. aufgepasst und wir haben gemalt, geschrieben und sonst alles mögliche gemacht, bis er eingeschlafen ist. 
Sonntag konnte ich dann endlich mal wieder ausschlafen und hab dann danach ein Skypedate mit Haino und Laura gehabt :) danach hab ich mich mit Minna getroffen und wir waren bei einem Italiener essen (glaube es war eher ein teurer Schuppen, obwohl die Preise echt ok waren). Der Tag war echt schön und sonnig und abgesehen von meinen Blasen an den Füßen (neue Schuhe ://) bin ich dann tot ins Bett gefallen!
Montag war wieder College angesagt und abgesehen von meinem Muskelkater in den Beinen (auaa) war college echt langweilig und ich musste mich echt bemühen, aufzupassen :D - zum schluss haben wir das Thema Waffen aufgegriffen und ich kann die Amerikaner echt nicht nachvollziehen, mit ihrem legalen Waffengesetz. Hab erst heute wieder gelesen das es einen Amoklauf mit 3 oder mehreren Toten gegeben hat, das ist also das Resultat, echt super!
Aber leider kannst du den Amis da nicht wirklich reinreden, weil, wie unsere Legrerin so schön gesagt hat: 'we grew up in a gun-society', trifft es genau. Die Amis stehen anscheinend total darauf, mit einer Pistole unterm Kopfkissen zu schlafen :D
Wenigstens die Bäume sind hier megaschön :)! Aber so langsam wird es echt kalt und ich muss mir festere Schuhe zulegen :D (bin am Überlegen ob ich mir UGG's kaufe, aber die sind nun doch noch recht teuer :/, mal sehen was Marshall's so zu bieten hat :)
Heute muss ich 'leider' den ganzen Tag zuhause bleiben, da A. krank ist und sie daher nicht in der Schule war (echt doof, weil ich mich in einem starbucks mit drei anderen AuPairs verabredet hatte :/). Aber naja, wenn sie krank ist, dann kümmer ich mich natürlich um sie :)

Die Zeit habe ich bisher sinnvoll genutzt und in meinem Buch vom Collegekurs weiter zu lesen und weiter zu arbeiten - das sind pro Kapitel echt immer so 20-40 Seiten, echt anstrengend mit sen ganzen Fachbegriffen, aber der Kurs macht noch Spaß und ich mache natürlich weiter :)
Morgen wirds ruhiger im Haus, da ein Teil meiner Familie sich erst einmal Urlaub auf den Bahamas gönnt, verdammt ich bin so neidisch!
Hier hat es sich nämlich auf angenehme 8 Grad heruntergekühlt und die Heizung ist auch noch nicht an :0 
Und ich hab auch das Gefühl, dass sich eine Krankheitswelle anbahnt, weil in meiner Fam echt viele krank sind oder den Anschein zeigen, dass sie krank werden - nicht gut, ich hoffe mein Immunsystem ist nach der Lungenentzûndung im Juli wieder auf 100% und ich komme 'nur' mit einer Erkältung davon :D !!
Aber immerhin lässt sich die Sonne jeeeden Tag blicken :)!

So, ich les dann mal weiter.
Frostige Grüße!
xoxo C.


Fall is coming

Heyho :)
Today is friday - yeah weekend :)! (Best thing ever with the exception that I have to work tomorrow :D - but it's fine, my kids are behaving good at the moment:)! ). 
So, the week is almost over and time is running SO damn fast! Since tuesday I'm here for 3(!!) months, cant believe it! Soon I'll be back in good old germany, haha :D.
So what was going on this week? Not really much, I had a couple meetings ar starbucks with other aupairs - yep. Tuesdays is now starbuckstime, haha :D. Oh and I went to the movies, to watch 'Runner Runner', a movie with Ben Affleck and Justin Timberlake. It was really cool! 
And I ordered tickets for CATCHING FIRE! Oh my god I totally cant wait until this moving is finally coming out!
                  Movie time :)!
Haha and im really getting a pro with my car now - im a master in backing up! My hostdad just told me how proud he is that i can back up now barley perfectly ( 'I taught you very well' :D :D). And i couldnt stop laughing! But its good to hear :) 
So today I went to the gym together with Evelina (one hour of powering! - cant wait for my muscle inssurance tomorrow :D) and after this I went to the car wash - there are really good looking boys who are cleaning your car :D!
So my hostfamily told me today that they are taking me to a haunted haydrive - hostmum said its very scary, because you cant see NOTHING! Haha cant wait :D and lets see if im screaming :D
On sunday I'll meet Minna for lunch :)
And next week, i dont know, college, gym, whatever :D! 
Next saturday im going back to the city - rooftopbar and maybe a museum visit - some culture haha :D
1. Look how beautiful the leaves are !
2. My car is up to a fight :D -> i parked in the wrong direction but i moved my car already, dont worry :D my HD parked is truck totally infront of my car and this looks so funny :D!! Couldnt stop laughing.

I cant believe that we are going to reach the month november - christmas is coming so soon :o! But im excited to see how americans are 'celebrating' the christmas time :)

Time for bed, tomorrow is worktime.

Talk to you soon,
xoxo C.


Boring week

So, it's sunday again. Wait, it's monday :D today is columbus day ( = no school for the kids = full working day), damn it :/! But it was nice, all kids behaved :). 
And A. cooked again, god it was so good! She is definayely a better cooker than I am :D
So anyway, I brought my sister back to the airport yesterday :(
Oh yeah - a normal highway with 8 lanes :D!
But we went there early so she got an early check-in and landed safely :)
It was such a great time to have my sister here! (But I'm also a little bit happy that she's gone - sisterlove you know :D)
I'll miss her!

And i forgot to tell you about my first day at college last week :0!
It was so great, the teacher is great and I think the class is cool! Last wednesday a police officer visited us and we talked about gangs in NJ, which was really interesting!

Soo, do I have plans for this week? Yeah I actually do: tomorrow I'll have a starbucks meeting with Evelina, a swedish girl:) and on wednesday I'm gling back to the moooviee theatre 🙊😁

Talk to you later.
xoxo C.



Hello :)
Short update, Project Runway is on, my sister is already sleeping and I'm not really tired but i can sleep in tomorrow - PERFECT!
So i guess fall is coming to Colts Neck - rain, raind and dont forget the rain :(
Last tuesday we had a tornado warning in New Jersey :0 but thank good it wasn't to hard here, it was just really really windy and rained a lot and we just stayed insinde :)!
Anyway I thought I can write now some things down, I realized here in america. Good and bad stuff.
Ok let's start with the good things.

1. I love, love and love my hostfamily! They are so totally the best :)! Im going towards the 3 months next week and can't believe it - 3 months, DAMN!

 2. American are soo damn friendly!! The germans could learn a lot from the amercians about friendlyness! I mean everyone is smiling and talking to you (ok it's kinda a smalltalk - 'hi how are you?' - 'good and you?' - 'good, thanks.'  'Havw a good day.' BUT they're serious about what they are saying and I dont think this smalltalk is so popular in germany :D

3. The cars, driveways and parkingspots are SO hugh :D it's still confusing me but I like it - more space to learn how to park :D

4. I'm already in love with college, although I has just 2 classes haha :D

5. I'm not really homesick :0! Maybe its because my hostfamily is really kind of my second family and I feel home and comfy and I dont know, i mean my  home is so far away but I found my second home here in Colts Neck :)!

I could tell you more stuff but lets continue with the bad stuff (yep!)

1. Americans obvious are to lazy to blink!! Its so annoying and dangerous, i mean what is so difficult to blink and show the cars behind or next to you where you want to go?? Its driving me crazy!

2. Food is so expensive here. Really i spent today 17$ at A&P and i bought fruits and joghurts - THATS IT, 17$ ARE YOU KIDDING ME? But ok its for my diet :D

3. I miss my german bred. Next to the fact that food is expensive, the americans are  just selling unhealthy white bred , which i dont really like :/ but ok we always have fruits so i dont have to eat it :) :P

4. Deers. Seriously my new neighbours are deers. They are everywhere! And its so creepy at night. Colts neck doesnt have any street lights and we're living on the country so its dark, really dark. And winter is coming so its going to be dark early - not cool with all the deers :( but with my new car i feel safe, the light is good and its a truck - nothing more to say, haha :D

5. I hate the fact that america doesnt have my favorite chocolate (kinder) :( 

So ok thats kinda all for the moment :)
Fall is coming and next to the cold and rainy facts i really like fall because of the colored leaves :)!
And halloween is upcoming, im so excited :> i heard halloween is here a big thing and my kids are already bothering me with the question what i want to wear so i guess i have to buy a costume :D

Ok. Time for bed. Talk to you soon.

xoxo C.


Sister time <3

Helloo party people :D
Its sunday night and I actually have to go to bed (works starts at 7 again tomorrow :( ) but im not really tired! 
Anyway my sister is still here and I'm very happy :) 
We spent the week together!
Beaaaachtimee :)
Having fun with in the mall :>
I had such a good week :)
But .. I lost my american phone last wednesday, damn it :/ 
Thank god my hostparents weren't that angry (they said: it happend its ok dont worry :)), which made me smile for a moment. But still I feel so stupid, how could I lose a phone which wasn't even my phone?? (Thank god it wasn't thaat expensive!) 
So I'm thinking about buying a new phone now and using then a pre paid card, I'll talk about this idea with mys hosties soon :)

And I'm soo excited, tomorrow is college finally starting :)) I totally can't wait!!
And this week is going to be kinda perfect because I can sleep in on three days this week - you have to know, you're going to appreciate all the hours of sleep here :D!!
So my sister is going to fly home next sunday and I have to take here - let's see how this will work out :D :D

Ok time to sleep now. Talk to you soon.
xoxo C.